Thymallus grubii flavomaculatus - новый подвид хариуса

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Thymallus grubii flavomaculatus - новый подвид хариуса

Сообщение Yan » Вс сен 24, 2006 5:03 pm

Thymallus grubii flavomaculatus
I. B. Knizhin, A. L. Antonov and S. J. Weissc

Новый подвид амурского хариуса.

A new subspecies of the Amur grayling is described, the yellow-spotted grayling Thymallus grubii flavomaculatus ssp. n. populating the upper reaches of large tributaries of the Lower Amur basin and some rivers flowing to the Tatar Strait, the Sea of Okhotsk, and the Sea of Japan. From the nominative subspecies T.g.grubii populating the basin in the upper reaches of the Amur and from other representatives of the genus Thymallus, this subspecies differs in the dorsal fin pattern whose principal trait is a yellow spot on the last two–five interray membranes, in the body coloration, and in some morphological characters. The yellow-spotted grayling in the upper reaches of tributaries sympatrically coexists with the Lower Amur grayling Thymallus sp. No specimens with intermediate characters are found. The sympatric forms spawn at different times, thus being isolated reproductively. Isolation of the yellow-spotted grayling as a subspecies of the Amur grayling T. grubii is confirmed by the results of molecular–genetic investigations.
A New Subspecies of the Amur Grayling Thymallus grubii flavomaculatus ssp. nova (Thymallidae).
I. B. Knizhin, A. L. Antonov and S. J. Weissc
Journal of Ichthyology: Vol. 46, No. 8, 2006
