Orestias piacotensis - новый вид киллифиш из Чили

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Orestias piacotensis - новый вид киллифиш из Чили

Сообщение Yan » Вт сен 19, 2006 8:11 am

Orestias piacotensis
Irma Vila

Новый вид икромечущей карпозубой рыбки из семейства Cyprinodontidae, обитающей высоко в горах Анд в Чили.

A new species of Cyprinodontidae, Orestias piacotensis new species, is described from Laguna Piacota in the southern high Andean region (18°11′49.8S, 69°15′56.9W). It is a small and slender-bodied fish with mottled blackish bands on its flanks, fading to white on the belly and should be classified in the “agassii complex.” Its head is moderately large with large eyes whose orbits do not reach the dorsal profile. This species is distinguished from the rest of the “agassii complex,” by possessing a wide protractile mouth with slightly upturned lower jaws, and pectoral, dorsal, and anal fins with elongate middle rays, pointed and with a reduced (12–16) and constant number of rays. It has a long and narrow caudal peduncle. Rounded, irregularly-sized, small scales cover the sides of the body, being absent from the dorsal and ventral parts of the body. The gill rakers are long, rounded, and closely spaced. Both sexes have 52 chromosomes.
A New Species of Killifish in the Genus Orestias (Teleostei: Cyprinodontidae) from the Southern High Andes, Chile
Irma Vila
Copeia: Vol. 2006, No. 3, pp. 472–477.
