Astyanax endy - новый вид харацинки из Аргентины

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Astyanax endy - новый вид харацинки из Аргентины

Сообщение Yan » Пт авг 11, 2006 1:38 pm

Astyanax endy
J.M. Mirande, G. Aguilera & M.D.L.M. Azpelicueta

Новый вид из семейства Characidae из реки Río Bermejo в Аргентине.

Astyanax endy, new species, is described from the upper Río Bermejo basin. This species is distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: markedly convex snout profile, deep body (36.6–42.2 % SL), relatively large orbital diameter (36.0–40.9 % HL), relatively short interorbital distance (31.9–37.6 % HL), deep caudal peduncle (11.7–14.1 % SL), long caudal peduncle (12.6–15.9 % SL), short upper-jaw length (34.4–40.2 % HL), maxilla scarcely reaching anterior margin of the eye, maxilla meeting mouth commissure at an oblique angle, 35–37 perforated scales in lateral line, 7/6 transverse scales, 17–24 branched anal-fin rays, tricuspidate or pentacuspidate teeth on outer premaxillary row, 1–2 tricuspidate or pentacuspidate maxillary teeth, 4 gradually decreasing dentary teeth followed by 1 intermediate and 3–6 small tricuspidate or conical teeth, and 19–21 gill-rakers in first branchial arch. A key for identification of the species of Astyanax from the Río Bermejo basin is provided.
Astyanax endy (Characiformes: Characidae), a new fish species from the upper Río Bermejo basin, northwestern Argentina
J.M. Mirande, G. Aguilera & M.D.L.M. Azpelicueta
Zootaxa 1286: 57–68 (2006)
