Три новых вида рода Crenicichla

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Три новых вида рода Crenicichla

Сообщение Yan » Вт июн 27, 2006 9:03 pm

Crenicichla iguapina
Crenicichla maculata
Crenicichla tingui

Sven O. Kullander and Carlos A. Santos de Lucena

Произведено ревью видов рода Crenicichla, обитающих в на Атлантическом побережье Бразилии с описанием трех новых видов.

Six species of Crenicichla, three of which are new, are recognized from the Atlantic coastal rivers of souhteastern Brazil from the state of Bahia south to the state of Rio Grande do Sul: C. mucuryna (upper rio Mucuri, Minas Gerais), C. lacustris (from the rio Paraíba do Sul north to the rio Buranhem, Bahia), C. iguapina, new species (rio Ribeira de Iguape), C. tingui, new species (from the rio Itapocu to the rio Nhundiaquara drainage), C. maculata, new species (lagoa dos Quadros, rio Maquiné, Rio Grande do Sul to rio Itapocu, Santa Catarina drainages), and Crenicichla punctata (laguna dos Patos basin). Crenicichla biocellata is a synonym of C. lacustris; and also a secondary homonym of Sparus biocellatus, a synonym of C. saxatilis. Crenicichla dorsocellata is also a synonym of C. lacustris.
A review of the species of Crenicichla (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from the Atlantic coastal rivers of southeastern Brazil from Bahia to Rio Grande do Sul States, with descriptions of three new species.
Sven O. Kullander and Carlos A. Santos de Lucena
Neotropical ichthyology, 4(2):127-146, 2006

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Зарегистрирован: Вт ноя 15, 2005 1:57 am
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Сообщение Alex » Вт июн 27, 2006 9:16 pm

Интересно, но креницихлы, несмотря на интересное поведение и окраску, почему-то не пользуются в Израиле популярностью...
Я три или четыре года назад держал группу подростков вероятно самой невзрачной рыбки рода - Crenicichla geayi, но получил удовольствие. Дикарей вначале пришлось кормить живой рыбой - они истинные хищники и охотятся из-засады. Потом перешли на обездвиженную рыбу, затем привыкли к гранулам.

Сообщения: 6652
Зарегистрирован: Пн ноя 14, 2005 10:26 pm
Откуда: Бат Ям
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Сообщение Yan » Вт июн 27, 2006 9:25 pm

В Израиль даже привозили одну из наиболее ярких креницихл - Ксингу. Но она не прижилась у любителей.

Сообщения: 6652
Зарегистрирован: Пн ноя 14, 2005 10:26 pm
Откуда: Бат Ям
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Сообщение Yan » Ср июл 26, 2006 9:05 am

Key to the species of Crenicichla from the coastal river drainages of southeastern Brazil:

1. Scales in a lateral row 57-63 (modally 61); 10-12 soft dorsal fin rays; a series of narrow dark vertical stripes along sides;lateral band absent; small dark spots on flanks and sides of head absent ..................................... C. mucuryna
(upper rio Mucuri drainage)

1’. Scales in a lateral row 56-75 (modally 65); 11-13 soft dorsal fin rays; narrow vertical stripes absent;prominent dark lateral band or horizontally arranged series of dark blotches present;numerous small dark spots present or absent on flanks and side of head ........................................................2

2. A series of large, partly contiguous blotches below the upper lateral line, continued as band on caudal peduncle; suborbital stripe always well developed, extending to or nearly to preopercle .............................................................3

2’. Series of large contiguous blotches below upper lateral line absent; dark lateral band present along middle of side from head to caudal fin, or flanks only with pattern of minute dark spots; suborbital stripe well developed, but not as above, or short ........................................................4

3. Minute dark spots present on flanks and on side of head (occasionally absent in females); ocellated blotch present in dorsal fin in females ....................................C. punctata
(laguna dos Patos system)

3’. Minute dark spots absent from side of head even if side of body is richly spotted; females never with ocellated spot in dorsal fin .......................................Crenicichla maculata
(lagoa dos Quadros,Rio Grande do Sul north to rio Itapocu drainage,Santa Catarina).

4. Suborbital stripe well delevoped, extending across more than half depth of cheek .......................................C. iguapina
(rio Ribeira de Iguape system).

4’. Suborbital stripe short, restricted to orbital margin or at most extending to near middle of cheek .............................5

5. Males, and occasionally females, with dark (maroon or reddish in life)spots on side of head;body either with numerous minute dark spots (males) or with few or indistinct spots and with well marked lateral band (females)..................................................................................C.lacustris
(rio Paraíba do Sul drainage to rio Buranhem,Bahia)

5’. Dark or reddish spots on side of head absent in both sexes; both lateral band and spots on side of body well marked in both sexes ............................................C.tingui
(rio Itapocu,Santa Catarina to rio Nhundiaquara drainage, Paraná)

Голотипы новых видов (фото-кредит - S. O. Kullander & C. A. S. de Lucena):

Crenicichla iguapina

Crenicichla maculata

Crenicichla tingui
